Monday, February 3, 2025

How to Eliminate the Problem of Mold in Your Household

How to Eliminate the Problem of Mold in Your Household

Mold growing inside our homes isn’t news to us. You can find that fuzzy fungus growing on bathroom and kitchen tiles, on wooden substances, carpets, the wallpaper of your home, in the drywall, and even on fabrics so it means furniture too. What’s the cause behind it? Moisture. 

It’s not always a fuzzy substance though, mold can also be in the form of slimy spots or patches. Any odd spots that are black, orange, green, or even white are potentially mold, and it’s not only super gross but also hazardous to health. 

How Mold Is a Health Risk for Humans 

These fungi that can grow within our homes thrive in moisture. That is why you would find that in places where the weather tends to be more humid, sees mold growth in homes on occasion. But other than that, you would usually find mold growth within your home in places where there are leaks, like a leak in the roof or under the sink and behind bathroom tiles – essentially anywhere where there’s a leak in the pipes. 

You don’t necessarily have to come into contact with mold by touching it to fall sick, even just inhaling its particles that spread in the air through vents, windows, and even air conditioning systems within your home is dangerous. It can trigger allergic reactions like skin rashes, coughing and wheezing, eye infections, and even shortness of breath. 

These reactions can be severe, especially for asthmatic people as well as immune-compromised individuals. So mold growth in your homes should not be taken lightly, instead, the problem should be dealt with as soon as possible.

Tips on How to Deal With the Problem of Mold

Should you ever have the problem of mold growth in your home, know that tackling the problem right at the start would help immensely because if mold happens to spread, which it does quite fast, it is impossible to get rid of all of it. But that also means dealing with the issue that is causing mold to develop and spread in your home because if you don’t, the mold will only begin to grow again. 

Here’s how you can deal with mold and whatever’s likely causing it. 

Get Rid of Humidity 

Humidity and moisture in general are the root causes of mold growth. That and water leaks within the home. Leaks can always be fixed by calling in a plumber or a professional contractor. So then how do you deal with the humidity and moisture problem?

  • Buy A Dehumidifier for The House

The Honeywell 70 pint dehumidifier is going to be one of the best appliances you would invest in for your home if you face humidity and mold issues frequently. Why? Because not only does it prevent the growth and spread of mold, but it also keeps the environment within the home clean, eliminating all the issues that you would have otherwise faced with mold around. And dehumidifiers also make breathing easy just so you know!

  • Use The Air Conditioner 

Sounds expensive of course because you can’t have the air conditioning on at all hours of the day. It just means racking up an expensive bill at the end of the month. But it is what keeps moisture at bay within the house. Maybe invest in a smart thermostat instead – these devices work in a very energy-efficient manner so the electric bills won’t be a matter of concern.

  • Fix Leakages

Getting a professional contractor to come in and examine the plumbing or any leaks in your home can help in fixing the root cause of the mold problem. 

  • Increase air circulation within the house

Keeps doors open so that there is enough circulation around to carry hot air to damp rooms.

Clean Up the Mold

If the problem of mold already exists, then other than fixing the root cause, you must also clear up the mold. It’s not just hazardous for health but frankly, it’s super gross to let it be in the house wherever it is. 

  • Bleach 

One good option is using bleach to clean up the mold. Mix 1 cup of bleach solution to 1 gallon of water. Whatever you do, do not try to mix it with other cleaning products since it can produce poisonous fumes – which will obviously only make matters worse.

  • White Vinegar 

To clean bathroom or kitchen surfaces where there’s mold, use undiluted white vinegar instead. It’s ideal for hard surfaces like those in these 2 places of the house.

Keep The Moisture Out!

Is there anything else that you can do to prevent the problem of mold altogether? You can, just keep the moisture out! And that means don’t forget to dry out your carpets after cleaning up wine stains, don’t keep doors closed, and always use the kitchen exhaust while cooking. There are little acts that can help keep the air in your home humid to an acceptable level, but when faced with the issue of mold we’ll say this much: don’t be lazy about it.

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