Thursday, October 17, 2024

Worst Time of Year to Move

Worst Time of Year to Move

The worst time of year to move is during the summer. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, the reason being a moving company can be so busy that it can be difficult getting your move scheduled promptly. Not only is the weather scorching, but everyone is out of town on vacation or trying to get away from the heat.

Reasons why it is the worst time of the year to move:

1. Moving companies are hectic

They are busy moving people in and out of their homes, which leaves little time for a small move.

2. Everyone is out of town

Because everyone already has planned during the summer, they use a moving company to change residences or renovate their home. While they are away on vacations or busy with renovations, there is no one at home to let the movers in.

3. It’s extremely hot outside

Not only is it hard to stay calm when making a move, but it also takes a long time to load and unload your items from the moving truck because of this heat. 

On top of summer is the worst time to move, the holidays fall into this time. Easter is only a week away, and Memorial Day is the following Monday, and then, of course, Independence Day comes up right after that. Moving during this time will make it extremely hard to schedule your move-in because everyone is out of town for two weeks or more at a time. The movers are also extremely busy with other moves too.

4. You need prior planning

The key to this time is to plan ways because you will likely not get your scheduled move date at the last minute. Make sure that you are available for any changes or cancellations because if your scheduled moving day rolls around and it’s raining cats and dogs, the movers might come, but you will have to reschedule.

It is also best to have your move during the week. Moving on a Saturday will make it difficult for people to help you out (nobody wants to work weekends). If moving over the weekend is your only option, try having most of your stuff packed up but not all of it because movers don’t usually like working on Saturdays and Sundays. If possible, make sure that your move isn’t on a holiday weekend as well.

Moving during the off-season, like winter or early spring (February-April). Many moving companies take time off over the holidays, which means their schedules are pretty much full until January begins. It’s best not even try for this period.

The best time of the year to move is from May to September because this is when many people are on vacation or renovating their homes. The movers are available as well as the weather is beautiful for moving your items in and out of your home with no problem. In addition, there’s less traffic during these months because many people are still on summer vacation or busy with other activities.


Moving during summer is the worst time of year to move. Moving during the holidays is also one of the worst times to move. The best time to have a move is between May and September. Make sure that you plan way because it will be tricky to get your date at the last minute.

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